Tower Systems Sponsors Lights, Camera, Action! Ice Show
Tower Systems was proud to support the “Lights, Camera, Action!” Ice Show this past weekend in Watertown, SD. The event which featured 31 performances from a cast of over 100 skaters was produced by the Watertown Figure Skate Club. All of the skaters performed amazingly with special recognition going out to the Club’s four graduating Seniors… DeLaney Anderson (daughter of our very own Eric Anderson), Mallory Kohl, Rachel Scheidt and Alexis Vomacka. Congrats to all of the skaters, coaches and volunteers for putting on such a terrific event.

Cast of the “Lights, Camera, Action!” Ice Show produced by Watertown Figure Skate Club
Tower Systems Sponsors Lights, Camera, Action! Ice Show

Tower Systems was proud to support the “Lights, Camera, Action!” Ice Show this past weekend in Watertown, SD. The event which featured 31 performances from a cast of over 100 skaters was produced by the Watertown Figure Skate Club. All of the skaters performed amazingly with special recognition going out to the Club’s four graduating Seniors… DeLaney Anderson (daughter of our very own Eric Anderson), Mallory Kohl, Rachel Scheidt and Alexis Vomacka. Congrats to all of the skaters, coaches and volunteers for putting on such a terrific event.

Cast of the “Lights, Camera, Action!” Ice Show produced by Watertown Figure Skate Club